The Power of Beetroot
The Power of Beetroot – Roast me- Blend me – Drink me!!!
Did you know?
The beetroot greens are actually higher in nutritional value than the roots, in particular calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, fibre, manganese and potassium.
They are a powerful source of antioxidants – chemical compounds that may help protect cells against the effects of free radicals (molecules produced when the body breaks down food or is exposed to pollutants).
Medicinal Purposes
A great liver tonic helping to stimulate the liver’s detoxification process
Heart-health promoting properties: the naturally occurring nitrates in beetroot convert to nitric oxide in the body which may help to relax and dilate blood vessels thus improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure (*16 ounces of fresh beet juice a day).
The deep purple-crimson colour (betacyanin) is a powerful agent that may suppress the development of some types of cancer.
Beetroot fibre may have a protective effect on bowel function (assisting in preventing constipation) and may also help to lower cholesterol levels.
Beetroot is a great source of glutamine (amino acid) essential to health and supporting the intestinal tract.
Great for boosting stamina helping you to exercise for longer.
Fighting inflammation: beetroots are a great source of betaine – helping to protect cells from environmental stress.
Warning: Do not be alarmed…..Drinking a lot of beetroot juice may turn your urine and stools red due to the red pigments in the beetroot juice!
*According to researchers at Barts and The London School of Medicine
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